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W5: Dear Grandfather

  Dear grandfather,      How are you recently? I am your grandson. I am living well in Sungai long now, and I am going to university here. When I first came here, I adapted to the environment quickly, but it may take a while to get used to the food. I remember when I first came here, I didn't expect the environment here to be worse than I imagined. I thought this was a place close to the city, but when I came here, I realized how different it was. In addition to the university and some cafes, there are also mamak, economic rice, chicken rice, and so on. The food here is actually not bad, and the price is student price. However, I can't accept the food and environment with only mamak. Compared with the mamak, when I was at Polytechnic Port Dickson, the food is much more delicious there. Moreover, the environment of mamak is not clean. Usually, mamak is open at night, which is also the best time for rats and cockroaches to appear. Whenever I go to a mamak stall to eat, I will def

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